Live Troubleshooting: Slashing Repair Costs by 20% in Restaurant Operations
Jan 22, 2024

Live Troubleshooting: Slashing Repair Costs by 20% in Restaurant Operations

Learn how training your staff in basic equipment repair can significantly cut costs by 20% or more and reduce downtime.

In the dynamic and demanding world of restaurant operations, equipment failure can be a significant setback. But what if your staff could address many of these issues without the need for an external service call? This is where live troubleshooting comes into play, a strategy that not only saves time and money but also empowers your team. In this post, we'll explore how live troubleshooting works and delve into a case study of how Jerry helped "Breadless," a popular sandwich chain, develop an employee training program for in-house repairs.

Understanding Live Troubleshooting

Live troubleshooting is a proactive approach to equipment maintenance and repair in the restaurant industry. It involves training staff to identify and resolve common technical issues, thus reducing the need for external service calls. This approach offers several benefits:

  1. Reduces Downtime: By addressing problems immediately in-house, restaurants can significantly cut down on operational downtime.
  2. Lowers Maintenance Costs: It saves money by reducing the frequency of costly external service calls.
  3. Empowers Employees: Staff gain valuable skills and confidence in handling equipment issues, contributing to a more skilled workforce.

Implementing Live Troubleshooting: Step-by-Step

Step 1: Identifying Common Issues

The first step is to identify the most common equipment issues faced in your restaurant. This involves analyzing past maintenance records and talking to staff about the challenges they regularly encounter.

Step 2: Developing a Training Program

Based on the identified issues, develop a comprehensive training program. This program should include practical, hands-on training sessions where staff learn to diagnose and fix common problems.

Step 3: Continuous Learning and Support

Implement a system for ongoing learning and support. This could involve regular training refreshers, access to troubleshooting guides, and a support hotline for additional assistance.

Case Study: Breadless


Breadless, a growing sandwich chain known for its innovative, bread-free menu, faced frequent downtime due to minor equipment issues. Recognizing the need for a more efficient approach, they turned to Jerry for help.

The Challenge

Breadless's main challenge was the frequent breakdown of their specialized sandwich presses and refrigeration units. These issues often required external technician visits, leading to operational delays and increased costs.

Jerry’s Solution

Jerry worked closely with Breadless to develop a tailored training program for their staff. This program focused on the following:

  1. Identifying Common Equipment Issues: Training began with educating staff on identifying common problems with sandwich presses and refrigerators.
  2. Practical Hands-On Training: Employees received hands-on training, learning basic repair and maintenance techniques.
  3. Support Materials: Jerry provided easy-to-follow troubleshooting guides and checklists for quick reference.
  4. Ongoing Support: Jerry set up a hotline for Breadless employees to call for guidance during complex situations.


Within six months of implementing the training program, Breadless saw a 40% reduction in external service calls. Employees were able to fix most minor issues in-house, leading to less downtime and cost savings. The staff reported increased confidence in managing equipment, and the overall efficiency of operations improved significantly.


Live troubleshooting is a game-changer for restaurants. By empowering your staff with the skills to handle minor repairs, you not only cut costs and reduce downtime but also foster a more skilled and confident workforce. Jerry's successful partnership with Breadless is a testament to the effectiveness of this approach.

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